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Journey of a Grieving Mom


Updated: May 3, 2018

Dark dreary day

Trying to pack but just seem to be moving things out of the way

Where do I start? Where do I begin?

To pack away his things....our things?

It all seems so final, where will it all go? What is the final destination?

I don't know

All these thoughts as I begin to pack up his belongings, our memories.

I look up and out the window

I see blossoms, beautiful signs of new beginnings

It catches my sadness, my worry

HOPE- Hold On Pain Ends

*Breathe- (Remember to breathe)

All looked so grey

but oh, those bright signs of life

The pain, the sadness, the parting with things that have memories attached

It will be fertilizer for the next season

Then new blossoms again

On Saturday May 12,2018 at the HOPE Conference in Los Angeles. I was invited to share my story, my testimony which is still in the making. The real time HOPE after the "storms" devastation. Grieving mom is not who I am but it is what I am currently experiencing. I can chose to let this tragedy define me or I can choose to let it mold me to be used in others lives. Yes, my heart aches and our loving Father knows. He knows all to well. He knows


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