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The Journey of a Grieving Mom

Journey of a Grieving Mom

Hello, I'm Liza Uriarte

My son, Michael Uriarte was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy on March 21st, 2016. He became a BiVAD warrior on May 2nd. During the process I took up my pen (AKA "took to my keyboard") to document Mike and our family's journey, and to journal as my own form of personal therapy. "Heart4Michael" was originally birthed in order to create a support system for my son and an awareness platform for others dealing with a similar experience.....


But when Mike passed away on June 3rd, 2017 at the age of 28, and an entirely unexpected chapter in the story began - the journey of a grieving mother.


It will sound odd to the reader, but as I held my son in the hospital bed, as he breathed his last breath, I screamed the scream of a birthing mother giving her final push. In that moment I felt as if I gave birth to my youngest son, a second time - a passing not from my womb to this world, but from this world to the next. 


I now face a mother's biggest fear: that of a parent losing their child. I believe that, someday, the grieving will subside and the healing will begin. In the meantime, I hope that sharing my story, my words, MY heart... will inspire and comfort others, who may be on a similar journey and in need of an understanding heart.


Join me as I navigate... Matters of the Heart.




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